Admittedly, I’ve been self-adsorbed in my day to day life. I’m not indifferent to the sufferings of others, but I struggle with commitment to sacrifice my own conveniences and time for the cause of Christ. Ironically, current reality has forced me out of my comfortable bubble to think beyond the walls of my own house, even though I’m confined to the walls of my house. The only way to preserve my lifestyle or comfort is to ignore the sufferings of others, and buy into the common American truth that my rights (comforts) take precedent.
This painful reality is my wake-up call from God. It’s time to open my eyes and see suffering and injustice in this world. My cause should be that of Christ’s! My actions going forward should be fueled by his cause, not one of politics or personal gain. His message is simple: obey God and love other people more than myself.

This sermon delivered last Sunday was painful, but a much needed wake-up call!
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