Dear neighbor,

Although we have a friendly rapport, I need to say I’m sorry! I’ve seen you on countless occasions, and when I do, we offer friendly smiles, exchange pleasantries, and maybe even strike up meaningful conversation. But there is an ignorant divide that continues to separate us, and for that, I offer up my deepest apology.

With our nation in shambles from racial injustice, it’s time for me to sit and listen. In what ways has racial discrimination effected you personally? What injustices have been done to your family and friends? I want to understand where you’re coming from and build better communication between us. I’ve avoided the conversation for far too long in fear of saying the wrong thing or causing discomfort. I see now that avoiding talking about this only divides us further, and it’s time to unite.

As a follower of Jesus, I wholehearted believe that every single person is created equally in the image of God. It’s human arrogance and greed that brought on oppression, not God! He stands for justice and love, and I’m praying that he will use horrifying time to demolish the inequalities that exist simply because of color. I pray God will pave the way for peace and open conversation between all races, so that we can better understand each other.

I'm commanded by Jesus to love my neighbor, and I’m sorry for avoiding needed conversations with you. Let’s chat openly and honestly with mutual love and respect for our differences, then let’s celebrate the ways we are alike!

Warmest Regards,
