When my girls were very little, birthdays were extremely sad for me. With every year that passed by, it was one more year that my babies were no longer babies. I'd have to repeat the mantra "don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." I think once both my girls crossed the threshold of double digits, it finally became easier to watch them get older. Now, my oldest baby Lillie is 13!
My tiny, squeaky-voiced, precocious toddler that was constantly on the move is now this charming, talented, and charismatic teenager. She challenges me to remain humble to the Lord on how to parent her, and then she melts my heart with her warmth and hugs.

Lillie is explosive in every way. She bursts with laughter, shouts with anger, acts with passion, and shines bright with creativity. One minute I’m crying out of frustration, and the next minute I’m overcome with appreciation for my sweet girl.
If you have a “tough kid,” thank God for him or her. He has amazing plans for the ones who push the boundaries, question the rules, and color outside the lines. Because of their passion and ambitious determination, they are ones who bravely chart new paths that lead to new discoveries. I have that kid, and she’s pretty great!
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