So when I said I’ve been distracted from writing because of our home remodel, that was an understatement. In my state of total preoccupation, I’ve failed to post about one of the best events of the year, Evy’s birthday. My baby turned 11 on Feb. 12, and I can hardly believe it. She is truly a joy, and I thank God for her amazing life.
When I became a mother to Lillie, I didn’t think it was possible to love another child like I loved her. My whole world was wrapped up in that girl, and oh how I loved it! Then 25 months after her birth, God gave us Evy, and I was proven wrong. My love for Lillie in no way shrank, instead my capacity to love them both exploded. I now had my precocious, firecracker and this new precious baby girl.

As a toddler, Evy was much more mild-mannered than her sister. We wondered if she would ever start talking, or if she would be content to sit and listen to her sister be the center of attention. About age 3, Evy found her voice and her Evy sparkle. She had this adorable sass, as if she was ready to strut her stuff on a catwalk. She loved dancing, singing, and puppies!

Today, my 11 year old is very different from the sassy sparkler from her younger years. She’s a 16-year-old trapped in an 11-year-old’s body, and she’s much more reserved. Although singing and dancing are not quite as high on her list, dogs are still near the top. Don’t worry though, she’s found a new expressive flare in the form of makeup. She’s a budding artist who is going to go on to do amazing things in the world of makeup design.

My Evangeline is a song of praise to God. She has a heart of service, a love of beauty, and a calming spirit. Happy Birthday, Sweet Girl. I’m one blessed and grateful mom!
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