I wonder at times if God ever dislikes us, his children. We betray him, anger him, blame him, and take him for granted. I know he loves us with an unfailing and perfect love, but does he ever dislike us?

I ask this question because as a parent, God’s love has been revealed to me in a way I had not seen before I became one. Not a day goes by that I do not instinctively and willingly set out to meet the needs of my girls and show them undying love. I have a greater understanding of why God went to the lengths he did to pursue and rescue us. My sacrifice for my children is a mere reflection of God’s sacrifice for me.

Yet in full confession, there are times I simply do not like my girls. There will be periods of time when I would rather be anywhere else than with them. There are days where our nightly tuck-in ritual can't come soon enough just so that I can tell them goodnight. And when we’re going through rough patches with behavior, it’s only by the grace of God and his provision that I make it through the day.

If what I just described makes you cringe, let me ease your mind. Of course this is not all the time, and more often than not, life is best when the four of us are together. But let's be real: it’s common for moms and dads to struggle with periods of dislike for their beloved offspring, and we all need the grace to admit it - guilt free!

My conscience is at ease and I'm ok with my admission because I believe that God has feelings of disliking for us too. Just like the defiance of my girls makes me dislike them for a period of time, doesn't it stand to reckon that God feels the same way about me when I defy him? Defiance causes discord, and discord is undesirable to anyone, so surely this includes our heavenly father!

The periods of time when I don't like my girls are as fleeting as the wind, and they never equate to unloved. My commitment to my family is God-breathed, and it’s the same kind of devotion he has for me as his daughter. I’m still a good mom, even when I can’t stand my girls. At the end of the day, I will continually love them, encourage them, cheer them on, doctor them up, and nurture them. They know I am deeply committed, even when they get on my last nerve.